4.10 Access to Laboratories
4.10 Access to LaboratoriesAccess to Cornell University laboratories, workshops and other work areas housing hazardous materials or machinery is restricted to Cornell faculty, staff, students, or other persons on official business.
4.10.1 Visitors and Children in Labs
4.10.1 Visitors and Children in LabsDue to the potential hazards and liability issues, other persons, in particular children under the age of 16, are not permitted in hazardous work areas, with the exception of University-sanctioned activity, e.g., tours, open houses, or other University-related business as authorized by the Principal Investigator or laboratory supervisor. In these instances, all children under the age of 16 must be under careful and continuous supervision. Refer to Cornell Policy 8.8 Children and Youth Safety.
4.10.2 Volunteers in Labs
4.10.2 Volunteers in LabsVolunteers in labs are restricted by the University’s Volunteer Policy. Please review this policy for guidance and/or consult with the University’s Office of Risk Management and Insurance for more information.
4.10.3 Visiting Scientists and Other Similar Users
4.10.3 Visiting Scientists and Other Similar UsersThere are potential risks associated with allowing access to labs and equipment by visiting scientists. These risks include: theft or questions of ownership for intellectual property, bodily injury, and property damage. Colleges and units should verify that all users of the lab have the required safety and health training prior to allowing access to the lab and/or specialized equipment. It is the user’s responsibility to have or obtain the appropriate training. Units are advised to consult with the University’s Office of Risk Management and Insurance and/or Office of University Counsel to obtain contracts and agreements to minimize risks associated with the use of labs and equipment by visiting scientists and others.
4.10.4 Pets in Labs
4.10.4 Pets in LabsThe Cornell University Policy 2.8 – Pets on Campus, specifically states that pets are prohibited “from university-controlled buildings, except for those animals that are specifically exempted by this policy. In addition, while on university-controlled property, animals must be attended and restrained at all times.