Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 1 - IntroductionThe guidance and policies in this manual have been established to protect the health and safety of all personnel on campus and to meet hazardous waste management regulatory requirements.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), regulate the generation, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste chemicals. These regulations apply to all hazardous waste generated by Cornell University and impose specific requirements on all waste generators.
The Department of Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) provides the hazardous waste chemical management and disposal services for all Cornell University operations, with the exception of Weill Medical College and some outlying facilities. Staff at outlying facilities must comply with the local procedure and should contact EHS at askEHS for questions about managing hazardous waste at their facilities.
In order for all campus personnel to properly dispose of hazardous wastes generated in their respective work areas, they must make accurate waste characterizations and disposal determinations. Guidance for making these characterizations, determinations, and their required waste management activities is provided in this document.