4.0 Roles and Responsibilities
4.0 Roles and ResponsibilitiesThis section describes the role and responsibility of a variety of CU unit(s)/group(s) regarding the CU asbestos program.
4.1 University Administration
4.1 University Administration- 4.1 University Administration
- 4.1.1 University Administrators provide senior management support for implementing the Asbestos Management Program and ensure that resources are allocated for implementing this program.
4.2 Environment, Health and Safety (EHS)
4.2 Environment, Health and Safety (EHS)- 4.2 Environment, Health and Safety (EHS)
- 4.2.1 The Cornell University Department of Environment, Health and Safety develops and oversees the implementation of the Asbestos Management Program and supports the program by:
- a. Providing information to the University administration to support decisions on the asbestos management program
- b. Identifying and communicating legal, regulatory and policy requirements associated with the program
- c. Establishing, implementing, and maintaining the written Asbestos Management Program
- d. Responding to employee and student asbestos concerns
- e. Approving all asbestos awareness safety training
- f. Providing expertise and guidance to departments to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements and university policy
- g. Recommending appropriate response actions to control or eliminate potential hazards
- h. Auditing asbestos abatement projects and consultant activities, as necessary
- i. Communicating with regulatory agencies
- j. Auditing programs overseen by Asbestos Coordinators
- 4.2.2 EHS has the authority to enforce the Asbestos Management Program requirements
- 4.2.1 The Cornell University Department of Environment, Health and Safety develops and oversees the implementation of the Asbestos Management Program and supports the program by:
4.3 Deans, Directors and Department Heads
4.3 Deans, Directors and Department Heads- 4.3.1 Ensuring compliance with the University’s Asbestos Management Program
- 4.3.2 Requesting asbestos inspections and/or asbestos abatements through the Asbestos Coordinator prior to conducting projects or other work likely to disturb suspected asbestos material
- 4.3.3 Ensuring Building Contacts circulate communications received from EHS and Asbestos Coordinators to all affected occupants within building
4.4 Facilities Management
4.4 Facilities Management- 4.4.1 Cornell University Facilities Services supports the Asbestos Management Program by:
- a. Providing resources to serve as asbestos coordinator(s)
- b. Hiring asbestos abatement contractors and consultants
- c. Coordinating responses to incidental and emergency disturbances
- d. Maintaining records for asbestos surveys and asbestos abatement projects
- e. Maintaining asbestos inventory
- f. Provide resources to facilitate a campus wide inventory as funding is available.
- g. Approving and maintaining the list of approved consultants and contractors that are used for any asbestos activities
- h. If Cornell University Facility Services begins to provide asbestos services of Air/Project Monitoring, Project Design, Inspector; a restricted asbestos license will need to be applied for from NYS Department of Labor.
4.5 Asbestos Coordinator
4.5 Asbestos Coordinator- 4.5.1 Procure services of licensed abatement contractors and consultants for projects involving disturbance or removal of ACM
- 4.5.2 Ensure abatement projects and consultant activities under jurisdiction are properly monitored
- 4.5.3 Determine the presence and location of ACM prior to initiating activities that could disturb building materials through the review of inspection reports and asbestos inventory
- 4.5.4 Procure licensed inspectors for sampling/inspection
- 4.5.5 Provide written disclosure of the presence of ACM and PACM to project manager
- 4.5.6 Maintain inventory of known asbestos information including new construction material surveys
- 4.5.7 Update asbestos survey information on Facility and Campus Services facility information page
- 4.5.8 Oversee and interpret all monitoring and survey data
- 4.5.9 Renew campus wide variances from NYS DOL and EPA
- 4.5.10 Ensure abatement contractor provides required notification prior to asbestos abatement
4.6 Project Managers
4.6 Project Managers- 4.6.1 Cornell University project managers and facility coordinators in charge of maintenance, renovation, or other activity where asbestos containing materials may be present have the following specific responsibilities:
- a. Identifying, with the assistance of the Asbestos Coordinator, asbestos containing building materials prior to maintenance, renovation or other activities where asbestos containing materials may be disturbed
- b. Notifying prospective contractors bidding for work whose employees can be expected to work in areas containing ACM of the presence, location and quantity of ACM.
- c. Contracting with approved licensed asbestos consulting firms and abatement contractors in close consultation with the Asbestos Coordinator
- d. Issuing service requests for asbestos-related services
- e. Immediately reporting any incidental disturbances of asbestos containing material as defined section 5.4
- f. Scheduling project dates with sufficient lead times for asbestos abatement
- g. Ensuring contractor provides documentation to support all new buildings and building renovation projects are asbestos-free as specified in section 7 and submit such documents to the Asbestos Coordinator
- h. Submit all asbestos survey, pre and post asbestos abatement and inventory documentation to the Asbestos Coordinator
4.7 Unit Facilities/Building Representative (UF/BR)
4.7 Unit Facilities/Building Representative (UF/BR)- 4.7.1 Review work requests and evaluate potential for work requested to impact ACM/PACM
- 4.7.2 Promote accomplishment of facilities work in accordance with this program
- 4.7.3 Identifying, with the assistance of the Asbestos Coordinator, asbestos containing building materials prior to maintenance, renovation or other activities where asbestos containing materials may be disturbed
- 4.7.4 Scheduling project dates with sufficient lead times for asbestos abatement
- 4.7.5 Where projects may impact or disturb ACM notify contractor or Cornell personnel performing the work of presence of ACM
- 4.7.6 Maintain required asbestos signage as specified in section 6.0.
4.8 Procurement Services
4.8 Procurement Services- 4.8.1 Procurement Services will maintain language in specifications and contracts notifying all contractors of the presence of asbestos in University buildings, requirement to use asbestos-free material and to provide documentation that material is asbestos-free.
4.9 Facilities Contracts
4.9 Facilities Contracts4.9.1 Facilities contracts will maintain contractual language in general conditions or general requirement notifying all contractors of the:
- presence of asbestos at the University,
- the requirement to use asbestos-free material and
- the requirement of the contractor to provide documentation that the material is asbestos-free
4.9.2 Management of bid process for asbestos, renovation and construction projects
4.10 Employees
4.10 Employees- 4.10.1 Cornell University staff including the skilled trades, utility workers and building care staff often work around asbestos containing materials and have the following responsibilities:
- Cornell University employees are not to disturb asbestos containing materials
- Recognizing and reporting damage to asbestos containing materials to their supervisor including reporting incidental disturbance of asbestos containing material as outlined in section 5.4 Incidental Disturbance
- Reading and complying with all asbestos labels and signs
- Custodial staff must follow department procedures for proper asbestos floor tile care
- Attending annual asbestos awareness training