1.2.3 Deans, Directors, and Department Chairpersons
1.2.3 Deans, Directors, and Department ChairpersonsThe Deans, Directors, and Department Chairpersons are responsible for laboratory safety within their department(s) and must know and understand the Environment, Health and Safety Policy 8.6 and know and understand the guidelines and requirements of the Laboratory Safety Manual. In addition to the responsibilities outlined within the University Health & Safety Policy, the laboratory safety responsibilities of Deans, Directors, and Department Chairpersons - which can be delegated to other authorized personnel within the department such as a Department Safety Representative (DSR) - are:
- Be familiar with and implement the University Health & Safety Policy within units under their control or designate a person in the department (such as the DSR) with the authority to carry out these requirements.
- Communicate and implement the University Health and Safety Policy and its requirements to faculty, staff (including temporary employees), visiting scholars, volunteers, and students working in laboratories within their units.
- Assist the Chemical Hygiene Officer with implementation of the Chemical Hygiene Plan and Laboratory Safety Manual.
- Ensure laboratory personnel develop and adhere to proper health and safety protocols.
- Direct individuals under their supervision, including but not limited to - Principal Investigators, supervisors, regular and temporary employees, visiting professors, and students employees - to obtain any required safety and health training before working with hazardous chemicals, biohazardous agents, radiation, and/or other physical/mechanical hazards found within their working or learning environments.
- Determine and ensure that safety needs and equipment for units/departments are met (e.g., engineering controls, training, protective equipment) and ensure corrective measures for noncompliance items identified in safety audits are corrected promptly.
- Encourage the formation of a college and/or department safety committee(s).
- Keep the DSR, Building Coordinator, and Chemical Hygiene Officer informed of plans for renovations or new laboratory construction projects.
- Ensure college and departmental procedures are established and communicated to identify and respond to potential accidents and emergency situations.
- Notify EHS before a faculty member retires or leaves the University so proper laboratory decommissioning occurs. For more information, see the Lab Decommissioning Process and Checklist in Appendix E.
- Establish college and departmental priorities, objectives, and targets for laboratory safety and health performance. Obtain assistance and guidance from EHS when necessary.
- Ensure college and departmental laboratory participation in EHS Research Area Inspections as a means to regularly check performance against regulatory requirements and identify opportunities for improvement.
- Ensure that research areas within their departments and units are registered using HASP in a timely manner upon notification by EHS and updated annually.