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Smoking Policy

Cornell University Policy 2.3, Smoking, is in compliance with local and state laws. In general, individuals are prohibited from smoking or carrying lighted cigars, cigarettes, or pipes in any indoor facilities, enclosed bus stops and university-owned or controlled vehicles, as well as within twenty-five feet of the entrance to any university-owned or controlled building.  Building layouts, window and entryway locations, and environmental factors such as air currents and prevailing winds may vary from building to building. Therefore, building coordinators or other university officials may impose more restrictive prohibitions in areas surrounding buildings for which they have a responsibility, resulting in entrance restrictions greater than twenty-five feet.

The smoking restrictions do not apply in the case of individual dwelling rooms and residence hall apartments where smoking is permitted per existing guidelines, policies, requirements, and contracts of Campus Life or Greek Life facilities owned by Cornell University.

An NYS Anti-Smoking Law became effective on July 24, 2003. This Anti-Smoking Law is an amendment to the New York Clean Indoor Air Act, Article 13-E, of the New York Public Health Law. The Department of Environmental Health and Safety wants to assist the Cornell Community in understanding the University's updated Smoking Policy – Policy 2.3. We encourage you to refer to the University Smoking Policy.

Please work with your Facility Coordinator if you have concerns about smoking near your work location.


No Smoking Sign Protected Document
