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Evacuation Drills SOP

Purpose and Requirements

This standard operating procedure provides general guidelines for EHS staff who would be required to perform emergency evacuation drills. The purpose is for safety and New York State fire code and New York State Educational Law compliance.


The standard operating procedure shall apply to the Emergency Services Specialists and other EHS Staff performing this duty. The areas include all of Cornell University Ithaca campus facilities.


It is the responsibility of the Emergency Services Specialists to safely and responsibly perform evacuation drills and to maintain compliance documentation.

Procedure Instruction

  1. The Senior Emergency Services Specialist will email Facility coordinators informing them of a 2 week block when the drill will take place. This notice provides the opportunity for coordinators to identify special circumstances within their facility that they prefer that we avoid.
  2. Weather on days of drills should be warmer than 30 degrees, if possible, and there will be no more than minor precipitation.
  3. Note any special circumstances of the drill on the drill sheets.
  4. Fill out individual building drill records; make sure proper building name and code are on the sheet.
  5. Fax proposed drill list to Cornell police, EMCS, and leave a copy to EHS front desk at Palm Road.
  6. Contact Cornell Police to ensure they received fax of drill sheets prior to starting drills.
  7. Before activating alarm system, disable any multifunction switches. (Only systems that have separate fan, elevator bypasses would be ok to shut down. If it is a system where fans, elevators, and doors are together, the multifunction switches must be bypassed).
  8. Activate fire alarm system.
  9. Any available specialist shall walk the alarmed building looking for proper evacuation practices and note any trouble spots and/or recommendations.
  10. Restore fire alarm panel.
  11. Reset all elevators as needed.
  12. Complete and sign the individual drill records. Make sure all records are neatly completed and accurate.
  13. At the end of the drill, log the drills into the log book.
  14. Put a solid line through the coordinator email list so the drill will not be repeated.
  15. Place the completed drill sheets into the assigned (academic and staff buildings) or assigned (residential) folders, with sheets in folders in alphabetical order
  16. A-line Emergency Services Specialists will log the drills into the drill data base every shift.


The Senior Emergency Specialist has the Special Circumstances list.