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2023 Fire Log

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Cornell University On-Campus Housing Facility Fire Log 2023

The following table provides information about fires that have occurred at Cornell University on-campus housing facilities during the 2023 calendar year. Fire logs may be viewed at the annual fire report web site.

Date Reported

Fire Date & Time



Fire Category

Fire Cause

02/27/2023 02/27/2023 2:00pm Mary Donlon Hall Residence Halls Intentional Door decorations had burn marks. Along with scorch marks on the sprinkler water line
02/28/2023 02/27/2023 9:00pm Mary Donlon Hall  2nd Floor Bathroom Intentional Bathroom sign was burnt, and door was slightly burnt as well

03/02/2023 11:00pm

Mary Donlon Hall  5th Floor Bathroom Intentional Bathroom sign was burnt

03/26/2023 8:00am

Mary Donlon Hall  Room 310 Intentional Burn marks on dorm door

05/10/2023 1:00pm

Mary Donlon Hall  Room 624,629 Intentional Burn marks on closing notices

05/20/2023 11:19pm

Ginsburg Hall 4th Floor Hallway Intentional Clothing and trash set alight. Sprinkler did activate and controlled the fire

09/13/2023 11:27am

Mary Donlon Hall  Stairwell Between 1st & 2nd Floor Intentional Exterior burn marks on plastic dome and metal base of fixture.

09/14/2023 11:43am

Mary Donlon Hall  Stairwell Between 2nd & 3rd Floor Intentional Burns on the light along with burn marks on 2 railings
09/19/2023 09/19/2023 11:39am Ganedago Hall Elevator  Intentional Burn marks on plastic sign holder
09/26/2023 09/24/2023 6:57pm Mary Donlon Hall East Stairwell Ceiling Intentional Section of the ceiling damaged by fire

10/28/2023 10:47pm

Mary Donlon Hall South Stairwell 4th & Ground Floor Intentional Burn marks on the bottom of the steps 
11/13/2023 11/13/2023 4:42pm North Campus Town House A Apt A-12 Kitchen Unintentional Fire in the oven
11/14/2023 11/14/2023 11:36am Ganedago Hall 4th Floor Lounge Intentional Sofa chair had a small burn in the fabric 
12/10/2023 12/10/2023 2:51am Flora Rose House Room B0073 Unintentional Small fire in the trash compactor



Flora Rose House

Room 223 Restroom

Intentional Burnt paper towels in garbage can and black marks on the wall above it