Ithaca Area Title V Permit Fast Facts
1. Who Is This Guidance For?
This guidance is for anyone who needs a brief summary of the Ithaca Campus Title V permit. It is not meant to go into detail regarding permit contents and how we comply with the numerous regulations and permit conditions. It is a simple overview of the permit and typical units and sources impacted by the air regulations.
2. Why Should You Care?
Various campus ‘aspects’ may be subject to requirements in the Ithaca Campus Title V permit. Air emission sources associated with both large and small equipment and projects could be subject to requirements and there may be ongoing maintenance, inspection, record-keeping and reporting obligations associated with permit conditions.
3. What Do You Need to Know?
What is the Title V Permit?
The Title V Permit, issued under the authority of Title V of the Clean Air Act, is a permit summarizing both the State and Federal air program regulations applicable to the University. A summary of regulations applicable to the Ithaca Campus Title V permit is available on the EHS Sharepoint Site in the following document: Ithaca Area Title V Permit Regulatory Applicability Matrix (Please note, access to this document is limited).
The nature of each air emission source dictates what specific conditions are spelled out in the Title V permit. The Title V permit also specifies record-keeping and reporting requirements including content and frequency of reporting. Detailed requirements can be obtained from EHS. The reports listed below reflect a few of the routine compliance reports required to be submitted by the University:
Report |
Reporting Period and Due Dates |
Annual Compliance Certification |
Reported by calendar year, due by January 30th of the following year. |
Semi-Annual Compliance Monitoring Reports |
Reported semi-annually for compliance periods of January 1-June 30 (due by July 30th) and July 1-December 31 (due by January 30th) |
Annual Emission Statement |
Reported by calendar year, due by April 15th of the following year. |
Annual Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Emission Report |
Reported by calendar year, due by March 31st of the following year. |
High Profile Areas With Specific Requirements Under the Permit
The following specific areas and emission sources have very specific operation, inspection, record-keeping and reporting requirements in the Title V permit and have a relatively high profile with State Regulators (based on past experience):
Utilities Operations – Boilers, combustion turbines, emergency generators and chillers are among the sources Utilities operates that have requirements spelled out in the Title V permit.
Facilities Services Operations – Facilities Services operates both a paint booth and an adhesive spray station at the FM Carpenter & Paint Shops (Facility Code 4009) that are subject to Title V permitting.
In addition, the Facilities Services fuel dispensing facility at the Cornell Mail Center (Facility Code 4008) is specifically listed in the Title V permit. This fuel dispensing location has historically had a fuel throughput greater 120,000 gallons per year and therefore this location is subject to more stringent regulatory requirements than some of the smaller fuel dispensing systems in and around the central campus.
Other Typical Sources with Specific Requirements in the Title V Permit -
The following additional emission sources, typical of University operations, have specific requirements spelled out in the Title V permit:
Emergency Generators
Fire Places & Stoves
Water Heaters (gas & oil-fired)
Furnaces & Space Heaters (gas & oil-fired)
Parts Washers
Cooling Towers
Bakery Ovens
Fuel Storage & Dispensing
Storage Silos
Air Conditioners & Chillers
Growth Chambers
Chemical Storage
Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers
Research & Development Activities
Gas-fired Appliances (clothes driers, ovens, etc.)
Fumigation Chambers
4. Additional Information Sources
Online Resources
Additional resources and references are available online through the EHS website, including:
EHS Personnel
In addition, you can always call EHS for assistance at 607-255-8200. When calling EHS, ask to speak with the Air Compliance Programs EHS Specialist.