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Indoor Fireplaces

Fireplaces in Campus Buildings:

  • Not all fireplaces in campus buildings are operable fireplaces.
  • Contact your facility manager to determine if a particular fireplace is able to be used.
  • Operable fireplaces and chimneys must be inspected and certified annually.
  • Operable fireplaces and chimneys must be cleaned on a regular basis.

Using a Fireplace:

  • Fireplaces must be attended when in use and until extinguished.
  • Make sure the chimney damper is fully open before lighting the fire.
  • Make sure you have appropriate fireplace tools for managing the fire.
  • Only plain, untreated firewood fires are allowed.
  • Flammable liquids may NOT be used at any time.
  • Keep the fire to manageable size and within the firebox of the fireplace.
  • Keep combustible materials including papers, blankets and decorations away from the fire.
  • Keep the fireplace screen in place or the fireplace doors closed when you are not adding wood or stoking the fire.
  • Know the location of the nearest available fire extinguisher.

More Information

For further information e-mail or call 607-255-8200.