Resource Library
City of Ithaca Stormwater Management
Links to City of Ithaca website.
CU Environmental Checklist
The CU Environmental Checklist is a tool that can be used across Cornell to determine whether a project, process, or operational change requires review from the Environmental Health and Safety Department's Environmental Compliance Division or approval and/or permitting from federal, state, or local regulatory agencies.
Injection Wells: USEPA 40 CFR Part 144 - Underground Injection Control Program
Links to ECFR website.
Injection Wells: USEPA Underground Injection Control
Links to EPA website.
New York State Stormwater Construction Toolbox
Links to NYSDEC website.
NYSDEC and USACE Joint Application
Links to the Office of General Services NYSDEC website.
NYSDEC Environmental Resource Mapper
Links to NYSDEC website.
NYSDEC Water Withdrawal Regulations
Links to NYSDEC website.
Rainfall Monitor
Links to Rainfall Monitor website.