Resource Library
011 Genie AWP 40S Incidents Protected Document
This document explains the incident and how to avoid future incidents while transporting the Genie AWP 40S.
012 Overhead Work Led to Debris in Eye Protected Document
This document explains an employee doing overhead work led to debris in their eye.
013 Improper Use of Portable Bandsaw Leads to Finger Laceration Protected Document
This document explains an incident involving the improper use of a portable bandsaw that leads to a finger laceration. It also reviews how to avoid future incidents.
014 N. Blois Orchard Platform Harvester Drove Through a Rut and Tipped Over Protected Document
This document describes the N. Blosi Orchard Platform Harvester that Drove Through a Rut and Tipped Over. It also explains how to prevent the incident in the future.
015 S-Hooks Fail Causing Projector Screen To Fall onto Employee Protected Document
This is document describes the mechanical failure that leads to a projector screen that had fallen onto an employee. It also highlights how to prevent similar incidents.
016 Back Injury When Lifting a Compressed Gas Cylinder Protected Document
Lesson Learned regarding back injury when lifting a compressed gas cylinder.
017 Strained Arm While Carrying a Salt Bucket Protected Document
This document describes how an employee strained their arm while carrying a salt bucket. It also reviews how to prevent a future incident.
018 Energized Wire Causes Fall From Ladder Protected Document
This document describes when an energized wire causes an employee to fall from a ladder. It also includes on how to prevent a future incident.