Resource Library
Approved Food Truck and Trailer Vendors
List of approved food truck and trailer vendors.
Candle Use Permit–Religious & Instructional Use Protected Document
Form for candle use permit for religious and instructional use.
Event Crowd Management
Guidelines for crowd management, seating, ushers, and crowd control.
Event Displays and Decorations
Guidelines of event displays and decorations, open flame devices and candles and helium filled balloons.
Event Electrical Safety
Guidelines for electrical equipment, electrical power safety, and power and extension cords.
Event Setup
Guidelines for room setup; exits and corridors; fire detection equipment and outdoor event setup.
Event Setup Chairs in Rows Protected Document
Guidelines for event setup of chairs in rows.
Event Setup Tables and Chairs Protected Document
This guideline is to assist event organizers in selecting the appropriate venue for their event in relation to
setup; activity; and the number anticipated to attend.
Flu Planning Checklist For Event & Program Coordinators
This information is provided to guide event and program coordinators preparing for campus events.