1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
Cornell University owns two inactive hazardous waste sites located in Lansing, New York. The former Chemical Disposal Site (CDS) is a one-acre site that was used for the disposal of Cornell’s laboratory waste chemicals from 1962 to 1978 (Figure 1-1). The former Radiation Disposal Site (RDS) is a two-acre site that was used for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) generated by Cornell from 1956-1978.
Cornell University has entered into Orders on Consent with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) governing investigation and cleanup of both sites. Order on Consent Index #A7-0289-92-10 governs work at the CDS and Order on Consent #A7-0333-95-08 governs work at the RDS. Both sites are managed under the Site Management Plan prepared by Cornell University.
This report, which documents monitoring and other remedial activities conducted in 2220, serves as the Periodic Review Report (PRR) under the Site Management Plan for both sites. This report also fulfills the annual reporting requirements of the Consent Orders for the calendar year for both the RDS and CDS. In addition to compilation in this annual report, monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports for the CDS and quarterly Part 380 Status Reports for the RDS also have been submitted to the State, as required under the NYSDEC Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements #75002 for the CDS and the Substantive Part 380 Permit for the RDS.
The annual report is organized in nine sections.
- Section 1 includes the introduction with the purpose and objectives of environmental monitoring at the sites.
- Section 2 includes general site information, including site history, previous investigations, and a description of remedial measures completed at each site.
- Section 3 includes related site information, including reports submitted to the NYSDEC during 2020, approvals and permits, public participation activities, and a summary of NYSDEC inspections.
- Section 4 provides an overview of monitoring performed at the sites.
- Section 5 summarizes 2020 climatological and hydrogeological data for both sites.
- Section 6 summarizes 2020 monitoring results at the RDS.
- Section 7 summarizes 2020 monitoring results at the CDS.
- Section 8 summarizes 2020 monitoring results from the remedial measures in place at both sites.
- Section 9 contains references.
1.2 Environmental Monitoring Objectives 2020
The objectives of the monitoring programs at both sites are to:
- Monitor environmental media to assess any changes in site conditions,
- Obtain necessary information to evaluate the performance of the remedial measures, and
- Comply with the requirements of the Substantive Part 380 Permit (February 3,2003, renewed 12/3/2007, renewed 10/21/2014) and Substantive SPDES Permit 755002 Outfall 001 (July 17, 2002, extended 12/29/2006, reissued March 20,2009).