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Hazard Assessment and Signage Program (HASP)

When Do Research Areas Need To Be Registered in the HASP System?

Research areas need to be reviewed and updated using the online HASP annually or sooner if roster or hazard information changes.  If you need help with this process, contact us at

Which Research Areas Need To Be Registered?

Currently only the research area room types listed in the table (identified with Space Inventory room codes) are required to be registered.

Who Has Responsibility For the Registration Process?

The following outlines responsibilities for implementation of Research Area Space Registration using HASP: 

  1. The Department of Environment, Health and Safety is responsible for:

  • Providing information and training on the HASP system.

  • Granting access to the users for their locations within the HASP system.

  • Providing guidance and assistance on the identification of hazard types.

  • Providing information, training, notifications, reports, and updates from the information provided.

Deans and Department Chairpersons are responsible for:

  • Ensuring that research areas within their departments and units are registered in a timely manner upon notification by EHS and updated annually.

Principal Investigators and Research Area Supervisors are responsible for:

  • Registering (or designating someone to register) their research areas using HASP in a timely manner upon notification by EHS.

  • Updating their Research Area Space Registration using HASP when any new hazards or significant change of existing hazards or room roster occurs.

  • Updating their Research Area Space Registration annually in a timely manner upon notification by EHS. 

What Is The Registration Process?

Research areas must be reviewed and registered on an annual basis and upon notification by EHS.  The registration process consists of using the online HASP tool and entering contact information, hazards present in the room, risk levels of hazards, access limitations, warning messages, and emergency response information.  The entire process of completing HASP for one room should only take a few minutes for each room.  Once a research area has been initially entered into the system, annual updates can be completed in less time.

Do I need to post a sign on every door?

Research areas are required to enter their individual room data into the HASP online system. A sign does not have to be posted on every single door – this is especially true for large rooms with a number of smaller attached rooms.  In this case while a  HASP sign is required on the main door, for interior doors, the researchers/facility directors should evaluate the necessity of posting the HASP signs. For example, if the internal smaller rooms have substantially different hazards than what is posted on the main entrance door, it is advisable to have the signs posted on interior and main doors.  Even if a sign is not posted on the outside of interior rooms, the data for the room is still required to be entered into the HASP system.

What If The Room Number Type In Space Inventory Does Not Match The Actual Room Use?

If the room number type in space inventory does not match the actual room use, then contact your departmental administrative manager.  Room type coding cannot be changed in the Facilities Inventory without their approval.

What If A Large Open Lab Is Sub-divided By Different Principal Investigators Who Have Different Sets Of Equipment And Hazards?

There are two options to address this situation:

  • Option 1:  Treat this as one room, report the top 3 PI's, along with the equipment and hazards, in one complied HASP sign and hang the same sign on all of the doors for the large room.  It can be stated in the "Notes" field that the roster indicates co-PIs of this space.

  • Option 2:  Coordinate with the departmental administrative manager to actually subdivide the space with Facilities Inventory to issue additional room numbers.  Room number signage as well as HASP signage would be required for each space. 

What If A Room Is Missing From The Inventory?

If the room number cannot be found on your list or on the Facilities Inventory floor plans, then contact your departmental administrative manager.  They will arrange with Facilities Inventory to have the room added to the floor plans and provide proper room type coding.