6.2.1 NYS Department of Labor –asbestos abatement contractor contracted to engage in a large asbestos project shall notify, in writing, the Asbestos Control Bureau and include the appropriate nonrefundable fee.
6.2.2 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) -The NESHAP regulation states that either the owner of the building or contractor of the demolition or renovation operation can submit the notification. Large (>160sqft and/or >260 linear ft) asbestos project require NESHAP notification for demolition or renovation of PACM, friable, and/or Category I & II non-friable that has/or can become friable.
6.2.3 The abatement contract shall contact the NY State Asbestos Control Bureau verbally or in-person to request approval to conduct emergency asbestos abatement. The contractor will follow-up with written notification within three days.