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3.2 Training for Personal Protective Equipment

Laboratory personnel must be trained in the selection, proper use, limitations, care, and maintenance of PPE. Training requirements can be met in a variety of ways including videos, group training sessions, and handouts. Periodic retraining should be offered to both the employees and supervisors as appropriate. Examples of topics to be covered during the training include:

  • When PPE must be worn.
  • What PPE is necessary to carry out a procedure or experiment.
  • Proper fit of PPE.
  • How to properly put on, take off, adjust, and wear PPE.
  • The proper cleaning, care, maintenance, useful life, limitations, and disposal of the PPE.

As with any training sessions, PPE training must be documented, including a description of the information covered during the training session and a copy of the sign-in sheet. Training records must be kept of the names of the persons trained, the type of training provided, and the dates when training occurred. EHS will maintain records of employees who attend EHS training sessions.

Information on the specific PPE required to carry out procedures within the laboratory using hazardous chemicals must also be included in the laboratory’s Standard Operating Procedures.  

Please note: while EHS can provide information, training, and assistance with conducting hazard assessments and the selection and use of proper PPE, the ultimate responsibility lies with the Principal Investigator or laboratory supervisor.

It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator or laboratory supervisor to ensure laboratory staff have received the appropriate training on the selection and use of proper PPE, that proper PPE is available and in good condition, and laboratory personnel use proper PPE when working in laboratories under their supervision. 
