Assess the extent of the outage in the unit's area.
At outlying facilities, refer to your facility Emergency Action Guide.
Report the outage to Cornell Customer Service Center at 607-255-5322.
Assist other building occupants to move to safe locations. Loss of power to fume hoods may require the evacuation of laboratories and surrounding areas.
Implement the unit's power outage plan. Evaluate the unit's work areas for hazards created by a power outage. Secure hazardous materials. Take actions to preserve human and animal safety and health. Take actions to preserve research.
Turn off and/or unplug non-essential electrical equipment, computer equipment and appliances. Keep refrigerators and freezers closed throughout the outage to help keep contents cold.
If needed, open windows (in mild weather) for additional light and ventilation (this is not always advisable in BSL2 labs).