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Resource Library

021 Dust Exposure While Abrasive Blasting Interior Steam Vault Wall

Prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future in regards to dust exposure while performing abrasive blasting.


Lessons Learned

022 Fire While Soldering In a Permit Required Confined Space

A gas leak caught fire while soldering in a permit required confined space. Learn how to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.


Lessons Learned

023 Chilled Water Pump Motor Unexpectedly Fell From Pump Pad

Learn about the many lessons learned from the chilled water pump motor incident.


Lessons Learned

024 Glass Light Cover Shatters During Cleaning - Lessons Learned

Learn about the many lessons learned from cleaning the glass light covers incident.


Lessons Learned

025 Substation Maintenance Identifies Deficiencies in Equipment and Procedures

Learn about the many deficiencies in equipment and procedures for substation maintenance.


Lessons Learned

026 Fall While Assembling a Privacy Curtain Structure

This document reviews a fall that occurred while assembling a privacy curtain structure and the lessons learned identified to prevent similar incidents from occurring.


Lessons Learned

027 Hydrogen Sulfide Release From Lead-Acid Battery Protected Document

Lessons Learned from a Hydrogen Sulfide release from lead-acid battery due to over-charged or aged battery.


Lessons Learned

028 UV-C Light Exposure While Performing Maintenance Protected Document

This is a lessons learned document that reviews an incident involving UV-C lighting.


Lessons Learned

029 Shoulder Pinched Between Trailer Hitch and Truck Bed

This document is a Lessons Learned document describing an incident where someone's shoulder was pinched between a trailer hitch and a truck bed.


Lessons Learned