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4.18 Green Labs

Green chemistry, also known as sustainable chemistry, is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances.  Green chemistry applies across the life cycle of a chemical product, including its design, manufacture, and use.

  • Substitute hazardous chemicals with less hazardous alternatives or chemicals that are drain disposable
  • Redesign chemical processes to reduce hazardous chemical use and/or exposure to technicians
  • Maintain an ongoing inventory of chemicals and dispose of outdated chemicals on a regular basis.

Find additional information on Greening your lab and certifying your lab as a Green Lab:

Additional information on energy conservation for both work and home can be found on the Department of Energy's website: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.  Find energy savings tips for the home, office, and lab by going to the Utilities Department Energy Saving Tips webpage.
